Friday, January 25, 2008


I ordered Business Cards, YAY!!

I know it seems like a silly thing to be so excited about but I have been trying to design them and get a look that I liked for about 2 months now. SO, today, I just kind of went for it... I think they turned out pretty cute! I am leaning toward more beautiful things and less cute things these days, so I think they are lovely, lol...

My design club set this week is Bee Mine!
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I also added a really kewl tutorial up at Wrappers Corner to do this:
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Or even this:
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If you do the tutorial, you should post your results for us to see, they are super awesome!! :D

The Valentine's Contest at Wrappers Corner is Voting! After that, I will release that new Freebie, which is my set for the contest!

I am going to update AliSarah today! I am adding 5 more Alphabets for your designing pleasure!

I also bought a new .com for my Scrapbooking for Hire Stuff, so I am going to design a template for that today too!!

Until then, I'll be heading out to go have lunch with Rachel for Operation Observation... which basically means parents bring take out food and eat it on sticky benches and tables while our kids try to pretend not to know us while still eating and sharing the food we brought... And then I have to go to the DMV and get my registration for my car!

Thanks for stopping in!

Huggles all!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Here's my set for this week... I sure like it... I am having lots of troubles not recoloring all the pieces into other colors too!! :D

Here's some I love you freebie words! I am learning how to use Layer Styles in Photoshop, woohoo!! :D

Have a great day!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

I think it is so funny that because we are most of us in the business of supplying folks with things to celebrate holidays, we end up celebrating those holidays amongst ourselves way early!! Maybe I'm just in a weird mood, but it is funny to say Happy Valentines Day in January, isn't it?? :D

Here's a Valentine Freebie:

I have more but I haven't zipped them all up yet!! Stay Tuned!!


p.s. Alisan's set this week was Easter Eggstravaganza!

And, I added to AliSarah a Princess set:

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


SO, wow!! I haven't written in forever!

I just wanted to drop a quick line to let you know how my Holidays went! For Christmas, I got Bronchitis, with miserable coughing, hacking, and sleeping all day long! We had middle schoolers over to go Christmas Caroling, and I was right in the middle of the hacking, but I still wanted us to have a good time... But, while we were out singing, I started coughing and I pulled a muscle in my neck, OW!!

So, I went to see Dr. G and he gave me some antibiotics but nothing for the neck... So, I couldn't turn my head for a whole week. I went back to see Dr. G and he finally gave me some muscle relaxers, which made me tired, but didn't put me to sleep. But, the good news was I could turn my head, lol... SO, I went shopping and bought all my presents the Friday before Christmas, lol.

We had a great birthday party for my Gramz on Dec. 23rd and I got to see that side of the family, so it was super fun! Then, Christmas Eve, Baby Daddy #2 came over to see the kiddle, but he was late so we just had a mellow night and he took the kiddle to see National Treasure 2, which I still haven't seen. :( They liked it though.

Christmas Day, we got up, Baby Daddy #2 was still here, so we opened presents and had a good breakfast. Then, we headed up the hill to have a super fun time at the family Christmas Dinner, which was really small and cozy this year. It was so nice!! AND, I got out my chocolate fountain, which is super super awesome!! We had some serious yumminess!

Since then, we have just been hanging out. We saw the hubster's parents and they took us to see the Rose Parade Floats being decorated, which was kewlness!

New Year's Eve, we hit the movie theater during the day while everyone was still at work! The kiddle saw Alvin & the Chipmunks, she liked it. We saw Sweeney Todd, We LOVED IT!! (I'm a theatre chick so I love all things Sondheim, not to mention the necessary Johnny Depp/ Tim Burton obsession, lol! Helena Bonham Carter is DIVINE as well! SO, it was an all around treat that totally lived up to all the hype for me...)

After that, we had lunch... And, we all went together to Enchanted, which was so disappointing. I was so sad... Now, a few days before all of this, I had gone to see a sneak preview of 27 Dresses, so I had just seen the lovely James Marsden being enchanting and wonderful and making me want to be in love with him... But, this movie was just sad, in my opinion. I wanted it to be so much better than it was. It did have a few great moments, and even one that wasn't even in the trailor... BUT, it just left so much to be desired... Oh well *sigh*

Anyhow, we did a little shopping and got some super indulgent foods to eat New Years Eve. We stayed up all night, it was fun!! Yesterday, we just lounged all over, which was good too...

So, there's that, everything that happened to me since you last heard from me...


Some Design Club Sets!

Holy Moly!! I am gonna be making like 4 posts today, lol... SO much went on over the Holidays, and I can't believe I have left you guys hanging for so long... I'm not delusional though, I really don't think there are a whole lot of you drooling for my freebies, lol... A girl can dream though, can't she?? :D

Here are display images for some of the Design Sets I forgot to tell you about while I was in Holiday La La Land!!

First up was July in Christmas, by ~Sarah~!
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Second up was Bingo Bonanza, by Alisan!
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Bingo Bonanza came with a little bonus from me, Happy New Year!
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Course, Now we are up to January!! And, it was my week again! SO, I went ahead and made this super cute set that my kiddle adores, Girly Skulls!
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We sure hope that everyone likes these sets!! :D