Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Birthday Star!


I just dropped in to let you know that Alisan released her AliSarah Design Club Set for this week today! Here is the preview image so you can take a peek!! :D

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Let's Boogie!!

Bet you can't WATCH THIS without laughing and then wanting to make one yourself!! :D


Tween Time!!

Hey all!! I have been trying to get this thing to upload for days!! So glad I finally got it!! I have had a lot of requests for my backgrounds that coordinate with the Hannah Montana plates and napkins they have at the stores. I am uniquely qualified to make stuff for the tweenie market as my adorable cuteness, Rachel, is smack dab in the middle of her tween experience!! She is a huge fan of the whole Hannah Montana phenomena and anything related to it! She has approved these backgrounds and says they are "so kewl"! So, anyhow, here are my 3 tween time backgrounds!! They are 2000x2000 pixels, so they are probably too small for scrapbook page backgrounds. BUT, you can still use them to make frames, or decorate your pages!! :D

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On the me front, we are meeting a dog later today to see if he gets along with our Brownie girl. We think she might like to have another dog around to play with and stuff! SO, we shall see how Brownie and Choco get along!! From what I understand, Choco is house broken and doggie door trained but not much else, so I'll have fun teaching him to do tricks like I have taught Brownie!!

Oh! And, I have been worried that maybe I should give some instruction as to how to get the actual freebie! So, in case you didn't know this, all you have to do is click the preview image and it will take you to the download link on 4shared. I am new to the 4shared thing, but I am pretty excited about it!! :D


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Bunco Night!

I just released this week's set for the AliSarah Design Club!! It's called Bunco Night, and I think it is a super fun set!!
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I am thinking about making a Wrap N Scrap Pack to match, do you think that's a good idea?? :D


Rice A Roni! This breakfast can't be beat!

Ok... So, yesterday I told you I was having pizza and diet soda for breakfast, and I wanted to be more clear and point out that it was indeed the new Pizza from Pizza Hut with the foldover crusts and the double the toppings thing they are advertising right now... SO, if you work at Pizza Hut and you want to send me free pizza for linking you, I am so kewl with that!! Additionally, I LOVED this pizza, it was YUMMY!! It was good at night and great for breakfast the next day... Until my daughter came home and said, "where did all the pizza go?" and I was left with the guilt of eating the last of it for breakfast... *sigh* oh well...

Meanwhile, I was having a little dilemma because I didn't want to be that chick who blogs about what she is eating for breakfast everyday. But, today, I made myself Rice A Roni, which is somewhat noteworthy because I usually just have yogurt and/or oatmeal... Plus, this is not leftovers, this is brand new totally self indulgent, ridiculously good, Broccoli Au Graten Rice A Roni, just for me, just for breakfast, just for today!! With, what else? Diet soda!

If my Gramz was reading this, she'd give me a lecture about how I am going to die from aspartame poisoning on account of the formic acid... As an ex-biology major in college, I'd have to agree with her. But, as a person who LOVES Diet Dr. Pepper Berries N Cream, I just can't care about that... I am drinking my can, a can a day, like those almond guys, only it's diet soda. Phosphoric acid, caramel coloring, formic acid creating aspartame and all!! I'm drinking it!

So, yesterday, I had a super retarded moment. I'm gonna tell you the story so you know not to do what I did. I had this customer who wanted a bunch of stuff for her bunco group. SO, I had to design something because I couldn't find something I liked already done. I couldn't find any dice so I had to draw them myself. All in all, I was very proud of this creation I had created. We set up a time to meet at the Starbucks down the street and I was standing in line getting ready to order a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha hold the Mocha (which was supremely YUMMY by the way) and this lady looks at this thing I am holding, which looks like this:
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She starts talking about how cute it is and how she plays bunco and how she loves this and so on... And, I stand there like a moron holding the thing and NOT ONCE do I mention that I made it, that I designed it, that this is my business, that she could order them from me, that I would sell her one, that I could make them with her face on them, NOTHING!! I say NOTHING about my business and I did NOT EVEN offer her a card!!! I can't believe how crazy stupid I was... What was I thinking??

My customer came, and we had a supreme time hanging out in the Starbucks drinking our drinks and chatting it up! So, that was a positive end to my being a moron!!

Today's freebie is a paper based on this shirt my daughter Rachel has, I just thought the picture was so cute, so I wanted to make a scrapbook page with it, which I did... I made this paper to use on that page... And, now I am sharing it with you!! I hope you'll be able to find a use for it!! :D
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Huggles all!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Life as a Frog...

Ok... So, when you are filling out your profile, you have the option of answering a random question... I totally love random questions so I did it... And my question was about how I would live my life as a frog... But, then it only gives you 400 characters to answer it... How can anyone answer that kewl a question in so short a post?? I don't know... SO, here is my whole answer!! :D

The squish of mud between your toes; how would you live your life as a frog?
Oh, I think I would love to live life as a frog, so much simpler than what we are doing as people, right? I totally dig on the way mud feels between my toes, as long as I know it is pure and doesn't have bugs or grossness in it... As a frog, I would lay around on my lilypad and dip in and out of the water just enough to keep myself moist! Like all frogs, I'd be looking for that perfect mate, and trying to avoid polluted water! Hmm... Come to think of it, my life as a frog wouldn't be all that different that my life as a human... Except that as a frog, I can swim away from my eggs once they are fertilized and let the little tadpoles fend for themselves!! ;-)

Huggles all!!

Pizza & Diet Soda!

Yeah baby!! It's breakfast time, and I am having the breakfast of computer champions!! Pizza and Diet Soda! It could be Pizza and Beer but that might impede my ability to keep writing, no?? I am not really much of a beer drinker anyway really... Anyhow, this is my first blog post and I think I will keep it short and simple with a little introduction of myself...

My name is ~Sarah~ and I run two e-Commerce websites from my home. The first is Candy Cuteness, where I sell custom party favors and some Crafting supplies for people who want to make party favors! I only really carry hard to find stuff that I have found a supplier for. I try to carry things people need but can't find a source for. I also try not to mark things up very much. My second site is AliSarah Designs, which is where my friend Alisan and I sell Candy Wrapper Designs for professional Candy Wrappers, and where I sell some things called Wrap N Scrap Kits. These are large collections of backgrounds and elements sized to be used for Digi Scrappin' or for Designing Candy Bar Wrappers!

Here are a couple freebies for you, just in case you see this someday!!

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Thanks for dropping by!! I hope you will enjoy these freebies and visit us again sometime!!
